Friday, 25 June 2010

Bad news, Good news, Good news

Ok, bad news we were at the back of the field in the IRC class again last night. Another bad start put us there and we couldn't make it back on the dying breeze. Nuff said - the last RAC race is on sunday and we will be in the front rank on the start or OCS no matter what.

The first good news is that probably over a dozen dolphins were out to play with us while we were racing; jumping, tail standing and cackling. Really beautiful, and we're so lucky to have them so happy in our bay.

The real good news yesterday is the announcement by Artemis that they are creating an offshore school of excellence both at the Weymouth and Portland  National Sailing Academy and at La Grande Motte in the med in the winter. Sailing wise, I don't think it's necessary to have a warm winter venue other than to experience med conditions and terrain and of course to make sure the condidates can speak french. I'll let you read the announcement for yourselves at

I haven't really been that bothered about the  WPNSA, the olympic sailing and RYA programmes, as they seemed to have little relevance to the club racing and offshore scenes that we're involved in. However, my attitude has changed and it's great to see the kids that are learning to sail here on our doorstep and the Offshore school has got to be the right way for Britannia to rule the waves in solo and short handed sailing. Well done Artemis. We'll have Samuel enrolled in a few years time!

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