Sunday was an all together different day with sunshine and a moderate breexe which built in the late afternoon. The race commitee wer able to squeeze in three races.
FarrOut had four aboard for sunday, we could have done with one more in the end, the short courses meant a lot of sail handling and it was all a bit busy.
The results show that there were three sigma 33s in our class, a half tonner, an Elan 333 and evidently a J80 although I thought this was in PY1!
The first race is probably best forgotten, I was driving and had a nightmare. Race 2 Stephen drove and I guess we got into our groove a bit better. A nice windshift meant that we could lay the windward mark in one tack and a start in the right place meant that we were second to get there after the Elan. High Hopes the half tonner was being much more close winded than us and underneath and kept pointing into us, so much so that they hit us to a hail of "protest" from me - you don't hear that very much. I get a bit angry if you hit FarrOut!
Unfortunately we couldn't keep our lead on the Sigmas, we were just not good enough upwind in what was the longest race of the day. There's probably a number of reasons for this but I fancy we have less pre-bend in the mast than last year and I'm going to put some more in. Steve was beating himself up about it though.
The third race was a decent showing from us even if the starboard primary winch stopped working just as we crossed the start line. Steve did a great job of cross winching us through the race.'s another broken bit. Doesn't seem to stop recently.
Great fun races for us though. Full team and more pre-bend next year.
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