Friday, 17 June 2011

Mrs Mitchell's Salver - Victory

The first ladies race of the season gave us some problems, with Tracy on the other side of the world the natural choice was Celia for the helm position being a regular crew member. Trouble was that she wanted to sail her 420 instead, after a week of trying to organise an alternative helmswoman God intervened and made it blow fairly hard. This meant Celia was able to drive FarrOut and I would be able to put my 100kg on the rail!

As it was we ended up with 8 crew, 4 of whom were under 21. This may seem a lot to fit on the side of a Laser 28 but we were sailing under PY and it turned out to be perfect. Stephen rigged a mini video camera to the boom so hopefully there will be some footage to post but it may just be dead after the dunking it got in a massive broach.

Paul Barford was race officer and set us a triangular course. Of course we had the balls to hoist the Touareg bringing on what must be the ride of the season so far. Boat speed topped out at something over 11 knots as FarrOut lifted her bow and planed in pursuit of Rattler taking lumps out. This was exactly the kind of weather you need in an L28, flat seas and 25 kts+ and everyone sitting at the back trying damn hard to keep the rudder dug in.

There's now a trophy for Celia to pick up at the prizegiving. Well done to her and everyone.

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